Please read the following before proceeding:
Please only use the browser Chrome to access this review portal.
The system has the following functions:
1. Research Ethics review:
- For new studies: select “Research-Main Application Form”.
- For previously reviewed studies: select “Research-Previously Reviewed Study-Research Registration Form”.
- Register the study and you will be able to submit an amendment or report.
2. Registration of research taking place in TUH:
- For new studies: select “Research-Main Application Form”.
- For previously reviewed studies: select “Research-Previously Reviewed Study-Research Registration Form”.
3. Clinical Audit/Service Evaluation/Quality Improvement Initiative:
- TUH ONLY - for studies taking place in TUH. Clinical Audit submitted to Sinead Palmer and Service Evaluation/Quality Improvement Initiative sent to Mary Hickey.
- SJH ONLY - Letter requests only: select “Non-research: Clinical Audit/Service Evaluation/Quality Improvement Initiative registration”
4. Registration of Innovation Ideas and Projects in TUH
- for new ideas or projects select 'Innovation' under Create Project
- Please link with innovation to discuss your idea/proposal prior to submission (
Please use the login button to the right (top of page) when you are ready to proceed.
Select 'Create Project’ to begin your application.